For which dates does my travel apply? 

Travel must occur during the current fiscal year, between July 1st to June 30th. 

Can I receive support if I do not submit the Travel Planning Form by the September deadline?

It is unlikely that travel can be fully supported after the application period closes given the limited funding. Decisions on late applications will be postponed until later in the academic year to allow time to monitor how the budget is being spent down and determine whether there is enough funding available. 

How will I know whether my travel planning form has been officially approved to receive financial support?

Faculty members will receive either a formal letter approving or requesting clarification about their travel plans via campus mail or an e-mail from the Provost’s Office typically within 2 – 3 weeks of the application deadline. In the event that the approval notice is not received by 3 weeks after the deadline, please do contact us.

Can I pay for membership to my society or professional organization through Faculty Travel Support? 

All faculty are encouraged to become members of relevant disciplinary societies and professional organizations. Unfortunately, due to limited funds, Faculty Travel Support is unable to pay membership fees for professional societies and organizations. An exception is when paying for the cost of membership plus the conference registration fee reduces the cost of conference registration to an amount that is less than the cost of registration without the membership fee. Please contact us if you encounter this scenario.

Can I make a change to my travel plans after they have been approved, provided that the proposed changes fall within budgetary guidelines? 

We understand that travel plans may change. All changes require approval. Please contact Kathryn Antonioli if you request changes to be made. 

Are visiting faculty eligible for Faculty Travel Support?

Yes, visiting faculty are welcome to apply to attend one scholarly conference each year to further their professional goals.