The Theater Department of Lafayette College invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor of Theater, starting July 1, 2025. We are seeking a scholar/artist and theater generalist with expertise in directing (both as a director and a teacher of directing), theater literature and script analysis. We welcome candidates with additional expertise in voice and speech (including accents), intimacy coordination and/or African American or Latinx Theater. We especially welcome applicants who will contribute to Lafayette College’s commitment to diversity and inclusion. Teaching experience is required. The successful candidate will be an excellent teacher who is committed to the mission of a liberal arts college. Candidates must have a PhD or MFA in hand by August 2025.

The new hire will teach courses in Directing, World Theater, Performance, and/or Theater Literature, as well as courses in their area of expertise. Continuing the Theater Department’s commitment to Common Course of Study requirements, they will also offer the first-year seminar, a writing intensive course. Theater faculty currently instruct a large number of students in College Theater productions (often more than 100 per semester). The successful candidate would be responsible for teaching and mentoring Theater majors and non-majors. Community engagement, interdisciplinarity, and collaboration with other departments and programs are important priorities for the Department.

Candidates should be experienced directors, preferably with experience in periods and styles that pre-date contemporary theater and should have either a strong public record of scholarly work in theater and/or extensive professional theater practice experience. Candidates with additional expertise/interests suitable to a small and rigorous theater department with a production season appealing to both campus and community audiences are especially sought. The person hired for this position will direct in load once a year in a range of periods and styles as part of our season. They also will maintain their scholarly and/or professional theater work. The teaching load is four courses in the first year (2-2) and five courses per year thereafter (2-3).

Located within 70 miles of New York and Philadelphia, Lafayette College is a highly selective undergraduate liberal arts and engineering institution with significant resources to support faculty members in their teaching and scholarship. Lafayette College is committed to creating a diverse community, one that is inclusive and responsive, and is supportive of its faculty, students, and staff. All members of the College community share a responsibility for creating, maintaining, and developing a learning environment in which difference is valued, equity is sought, and inclusiveness is practiced. All Lafayette operations reflect the College’s commitment to Diversity, Equity, Access, and Inclusion (DEAI) initiatives, and Lafayette welcomes applicants from diverse backgrounds.

Applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, teaching philosophy, scholarship statement and directing portfolio (with video, if possible), and three letters of reference to by September 23, 2024. As part of their application, applicants should address how their scholarship, teaching, mentoring and/or service support Lafayette’s commitment to diversity and inclusion articulated in the college’s diversity statement ( Questions about the position may be directed to the search committee chair, Professor Mary Jo Lodge, at